I have already described the research I am undertaking on the survival of Marsh Tits. I am also participating in another nationwide ornithological survey organised by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) in which all the birds that occur in Britain in summer and winter are mapped out. The scheme is called The Bird Atlas 2007-11.
The basis of the mapping is the British Ordnance Survey grid system which divides the country into a system of 10 km x 10 km grid squares, each square containing a hundred 1 km x 1 km squares. These little ones are aggregated in groups of four to generate tetrads (there are thus 25 tetrads in a 10 km x 10 km grid square).
The basis of the mapping is the British Ordnance Survey grid system which divides the country into a system of 10 km x 10 km grid squares, each square containing a hundred 1 km x 1 km squares. These little ones are aggregated in groups of four to generate tetrads (there are thus 25 tetrads in a 10 km x 10 km grid square).

In order to maximise efficiency and to prevent wasteful duplication, each participant applies for (or is assigned) a number of tetrads in their area to survey. I have been assigned 22. Each tetrad must be visited a minimum of four times, twice in winter and twice in summer (the breeding season). For consistency and comparability, each visit is timed as exactly two hours. Not all species are likely to be found in a particular visit, but a tetrad can be subsequently visited as many times as desired to "mop-up" any species that were missed during the timed visit.
It is fortunate that in Britain we have a network of public footpaths and it is invariably possible to gain access to a sufficient area of the tetrad.
We have four years to complete the work but I plan to take much less time than that!
To conduct the survey, a circular walking rout is planned in the tetrad, and all birds seen are recorded, together with any breeding activity (such as a singing male, evidence of nest building and so on). The work is rewarding because it can get you to places in your area you might not have otherwise bothered to visit, and certainly reveals bird species living in an area that may not have been previously suspected.
This week, I was fortunate to have my friend Drinking Ken up from Leicester to stay with me and he was keen to help me carry out surveys in a couple of tetrads.

You're going to be busy then?
'Drinking Ken' I love it! He looks like a cartoon character in that hat. Maybe I should immortalise him in a graphic novel entitled 'Drinking Ken and the Plutonian Vodka Invasion.' Waddya think?
(Sorry Maalie, don't put a picture like that up and expect me to be all sensible about grid references.)
88hrs work, on that alone!
Maalie, are you on speed? (Shaking my head..) Sheesh, glad I didn't know you when you were younger, I barely keep up with you. You truly live life to the full, my friend - I step in in (exhaustion and) admiration!
wow! can i come over and give you a hand mate?
Sounds like a healthy and good pursuit. I love the idea, and for a good end.
Just an aside: I wonder why the United States doens't go to metric. So much better, and I still haven't learned to wrap my mind well around metric numbers in comparison with our measurements here.
I'm worried about these maps finding their way in the wrong hands and threatening the well being of our little feathered friends.
Drinking Ken's hat put a smile on my face too!
i like ken's hat
he looks very cute in it
wait - 22 tetrads by 4 visits each by 2 hours each does not come up to 88 hours of birdwatching for me - what did I miss?
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