Maalie's Girona for Beginners
During our time birdwatching in Spain it was inevitable that we would have to wast... errrm, I mean spend (Oooops!), some time in a town. The town we used as a base was Girona, 100km or so north from Barcelona, not far from the border with France. Here are some images of Girona.
The cathedral towers above the apartments along the central river. The cathedral has the biggest nave in Christendom
Shops were open late into the evening. The window of a cherub shop is shown in the post below. This is a delicatessen
This was the best shop...

Our enforced time in Girona was not entirely without reward: on our last afternoon before heading to the airport we found Little Egret and Kingfisher (new for our "trip list") along the river through the centre of the town.
Aren't you glad I didn't name my blog "for Dummies"? :-)))
The photo of the old city wall looks award-worthy, Maalie. What time of day did you take it?
(And yes, the tent is booked, thetrain runs with and without the King!)
The second picture looks like a Van Gogh painting!
great photos mate! the best shot is certainly the bottle shop ;o)
I like the narrow streetscape too!
Mmmm, wonderful pictures. I'm obviously missing so much by not visiting foreign parts.
Perhaps this must be the year when I overcome my nervousness of flying and get on a plane to all these wonderful places.
Tell me, do the airlines allow camper vans on 747s?
Nice post - but where's the blog about the Porth Tywyn Scorp...?
thank you ever-so
for the tour.
i may have to pop
into that cathedral
when i am in that neighborhood,
as i haven't many cathedrals
where i live,
on the other hand,
a kingfisher watches over me
as part of my drive everyday.
they are territorial,
i am thinking..
on a phone wire
which i have passed off and on my entire life
there has been a kingfisher watching...
as old as i am,
this must be
the great, great, great grand-son of the one
that watched me over me
when i drove to the beach
when i was young
and noticed kingfishers
for the first time...
i wonder how long they live...
i have always liked to pretended that this was the *same bird*
all these many years.
i know better,
but i like the magic of thinking
it is this same old bird
perched there
watching me grow up and older.
Last visited the gulls ages and ages ago. Maybe there's a chance over the weekend. So many things to visit, so little time. ;-)
I trust we will be back on bird-based topics now the RAS season is upon us?
You never know.... I might yet get to 'waste' some time in Girona before I come home....
Wonderful shots, my friend.. I particulary liked the looks of that deli (I would have sent you off with a shopping list, had I known).
Little Egret and Kingfisher indeed. They sound suspiciously like varieties of beer to me.
I have only seen the airport terminal at Girona, you make me want to fly back now and tour the city, it looks lovely.
Do you have any books on Birds of the Andes?
(I suppose I'll be deleted for going off topic).
Nice pics. I always have wanted to go to Spain, though all of Europe would be quite fun and interesting.
Nice you took the time to simply enjoy things, besides the birdwatching.
I agree with you about the best shop, you could pack a nice picnic with their goodies and walk around the ramparts.
WOW! What a town and delightful shops! Too back the dollar sucks against the Euro right now, I might be able to afford one wedge of cheese and an ale in that shop or risk not being able to return home.
Thanks Maalie, nice pics!
I have just booked tickets to see Carols Acosta dance Cuban with my mother next month, he is such an amazing dancer. We saw him in Swan Lake at the ROP and are really looking forward to seeing him dance again, albeit not ballet.
How's the rassing?
You haven't been anywhere in the meantime? Do we have to worry?
Were there any "birds" of interest in Girona at which to gaze? Perhaps they even had a little candle shop?
Did I read in some comment box or other that you are not leaving the country again until May? How will you cope with such a long stay in your very own country?!!
Maalie is very busy working in the field ringing Marsh tits..
ahhhhh then he is not seeing the tail-end of the English batting line-up against NZ... he will be glad....
I do so love the colors of the buildings - I wish I could capture them here
Thank you everyone for your kind comments.
As Simon has indicated, the month of March is the peak of my fieldwork season and most days I am out handling tits from dawn to dusk. I intend to make a post baout this work shortly.
I shall look forward to reading it Maalie, it sounds fun.
I am looking forward to your roundup! :-)
I went to check out the gulls the other day, but there was none to be seen. Maybe they hate spring and have gone North already?
maalie you little devil, please bear in mind this is not an adult rated site!
(Though it is always good to know you enjoy what you do.)
I'll take a few tits if you have any to spare. I prefer them medium-sized, please, and in pairs.
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