Blog Site by Appointment to His Regal Majesty the Maalie King
He who would be a Leader, let him be a Bridge
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Skywatch Friday
The Little Mermaid views grey November skies in Copenhagen
Sky Watch FridayMaalie selects images from his albums of travel pictures for SkywatchClick here for a complete listof all the participantsof this week's Sky Watch!
Beautiful perspective! Nice SWF post:)
beautiful photo!!
have a nice weekend!!
I think that mermaid is very over rated.
such a famous statue, great photo,
Gill in Canada, originally for Cumbria.....
cool shot mate
She is a pretty lady, captured beautifully "Ben Varrey" is the Manx name for a mermaid. You mntioned the Laxey Wheel last week. Ramsey is my place to photograph, but I'll try a put some Laxey Wheel on soon.
Uh - the famous picture! Well caught!
Cheers, Klaus
thanks for sharing the mermaid with us...
I wish the U.S. would have more public sculptures and fountains than they presently do. They add a lot to one's surroundings within and around the cities.
My sky watch shots are captured in Drammen.
Lovely shot.
I will look even more beautiful than her when I am adorned in my full habit!
Will you be having a fishy tail under your nun's habit Kiwi?
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