Five-minute chocolate cake
I have never made a cake of any sort in my life (though I am said to be adept at making apple pies, mince pies, Welshcakes and snickerdoodles). When a friend forwarded to me recipe for a chocolate cake to be made in a coffee mug, in just five minutes, I was intrigued enough to try it out!

Add the dry ingredients to your largest coffee mug and mix well. Add the egg and mix thoroughly; pour in the milk and oil and mix well. Add the chocolate chips, vanilla essence and mix again.

so I used an ice-cream scoop which was probably a bit big.
Microwave at the highest setting for three minutes.

turn out onto a plate and serve with squirty cream.
Who would ever know?
I was very happy with my chocolate cake and it will be added to my list of "regulars".
Request: If any reader can think of variations based on this theme, so I could make other cakes (as a change from chocolate) in this way, please let me know in the comments!
Request: If any reader can think of variations based on this theme, so I could make other cakes (as a change from chocolate) in this way, please let me know in the comments!
This looks like the perfect quick fix for when I'm having one of my chocolate attacks.
I think (i.e.: the housewifey part of my brain tells me :-) ) you could use ground/chopped nuts, eg. almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts ... instead of chocolate chips - if you like them. Since it contains cocoa, it would still be a chocolate cake.
Another idea would be to use chopped/whole raisins instead of chocolate chips.
Third and last: you could also use bourbon vanilla instead of the vanilla essence, you know, so as to get a Posh Chocolate Cake :-)
(Have you got Great Bitterns in GB?)
I can see whole books of nursery rhymes being updated: No more four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie, but a single one in a cup and the Queen eating chocolate pie from a cup instead of bread and honey! :-)
I just googled "Great Bitterns" and was surprised that these are birds and not some bitter orange or nuts as I figured. ;-)
I think it is the Celtic Mug that made it go over the top. Try another team.
Ah, home is where the microwave is!
We have made it in a bowl as a quick sponge pudding.
My kids were intrigued for a while making "Eggy-weggy", which is a slice of bacon wrapped inside a mug and an egg broken in the middle then microwaved for a few minutes.
You might add it to the Maalie-express recipes.
Jon of the Hill
Excellent!! I'll need to try that, and when I do, I'll be sure to serve ice cream with it. Yummm!
Abso-lut-ley fuckin fantastic! I have added it to my list too!!!
Extraordinary, Maalie. Quite interesting. I'm not sure Deb would go for it, as believe it or not we neither have a microwave, nor do we eat dairy (she's allergic to dairy so rarely eats it, and I just go along with the ride here).
You do seem to have the thumb of a baker. Of course you want to use your new kitchen, and use it well.
Thanks for comments everyone!
Jon of the Hill - I will certainly try your eggy-weggie!
That looks good. Will certainly try that when I get home.
I think you should just experiment. Try using similar quantities of dry stuff to wet stuff. You could always add a drop of milk if it looks too dry. Put raisins, cherries (glace) nuts etc. in to see what happens.
Squirty cream covers a lot of errors!
Maybe you could make us a Christmas cake by that method!
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